a shark in the water

Are There Sharks in Siesta Key? Exploring the Possibility of Shark Sightings in the Area

The short answer is yes, there are sharks in Florida’s waters, including Siesta Key. However, the good news is that unprovoked shark attacks are very uncommon in Sarasota County.

Despite the presence of sharks, Siesta Key is still a popular beach destination for locals and tourists alike. The clear waters and soft white sand are perfect for swimming, sunbathing, and enjoying water sports. With proper beach safety measures, you can still enjoy the beautiful waters of Siesta Key without worrying about sharks.

Key Takeaways

  • Sharks can be found in the waters of Siesta Key, but unprovoked shark attacks are very uncommon in Sarasota County.
  • Lemon sharks are the most prevalent species of shark in Siesta Key.
  • To stay safe while enjoying the waters of Siesta Key, it’s important to practice proper beach safety measures.

Sharks in Florida

Florida is known for its beautiful beaches, warm weather, and crystal-clear waters. However, it is also home to a variety of shark species. While the thought of encountering a shark may be frightening, it is important to remember that unprovoked shark attacks are rare.

According to the Florida Museum of Natural History, Florida has had the highest number of shark attacks in the United States since 2005. However, the number of attacks is still relatively low compared to the number of people who visit Florida’s beaches each year.

Some of the most common shark species found in Florida waters include blacktip sharks, bull sharks, lemon sharks, and nurse sharks. These sharks are typically found in shallow waters and are not considered to be aggressive towards humans.

If you are planning a trip to Florida’s beaches, there are some things you can do to reduce your risk of encountering a shark. Here are some tips:

  • Swim in groups: Sharks are more likely to attack individuals who are swimming alone.
  • Avoid swimming at dawn or dusk: Sharks are more active during these times.
  • Stay close to shore: Sharks are less likely to be found in shallow waters close to shore.
  • Avoid wearing shiny jewelry or brightly colored clothing: These can attract sharks.
  • Do not swim near fishing piers or schools of fish: These can attract sharks.

By following these tips and being aware of your surroundings, you can enjoy Florida’s beautiful beaches while minimizing your risk of encountering a shark.

Shark Species in Siesta Key

Here are some of the species of sharks that you may come across in Siesta Key:

Bullhead Sharks

Bullhead sharks are small, harmless sharks that are commonly found in the shallow waters around Siesta Key. They are usually around 2-3 feet in length and have a brownish-grey color. These sharks are not aggressive and are not known to attack humans.

Lemon Sharks

Lemon sharks are a common species of shark in Siesta Key. They are typically around 8-10 feet in length and can be identified by their yellowish-brown color. While they are not usually aggressive towards humans, they can become territorial if they feel threatened.

Tiger Sharks

Tiger sharks are a larger species of shark that can be found in the waters around Siesta Key. They are typically around 10-14 feet in length and have a distinctive striped pattern. While they are not known to actively seek out humans as prey, they have been known to attack humans in the past.

Blacknose Sharks

Blacknose sharks are a smaller species of shark that are commonly found in the waters around Siesta Key. They are typically around 3-4 feet in length and have a dark coloration on their nose. These sharks are not known to be aggressive towards humans and are generally harmless.

Shark Sightings in Siesta Key

While it’s always possible to encounter a shark in any body of water, it’s important to remember that shark attacks are rare. In fact, the chances of being attacked by a shark are incredibly low.

That being said, there have been shark sightings in the waters around Siesta Key. According to a news article, a young great white shark was spotted offshore in 2019. However, it’s important to note that this is an extremely rare occurrence.

If you do happen to see a shark while swimming in Siesta Key, it’s important to remain calm and avoid panicking. Sharks are more likely to attack if they feel threatened, so it’s important to avoid making sudden movements or splashing excessively. If you’re able to safely make your way back to shore, do so slowly and calmly.

Are there any reported shark attacks in Siesta Key?

According to the University of Florida’s International Shark Attack File, there have been a total of 19 unprovoked shark attacks in Sarasota County, where Siesta Key is located, between 1882 and 2022. Of those 19 attacks, only one was fatal.

The most recent reported shark attack in Siesta Key occurred in December 2020, when a 39-year-old man was bitten by a shark while swimming in the Gulf of Mexico. The man was taken to the hospital and survived his injuries.

Are there any specific times of the year when sharks are more active in Siesta Key?

Sharks are present in the waters of Siesta Key throughout the year, but their activity levels may vary depending on the season. According to experts, the warmer months tend to see an increase in shark sightings and activity. This is because the warmer waters attract more bait fish, which in turn attracts more sharks.

During the summer months, Siesta Key sees a high influx of tourists, which means more people are swimming, surfing, and engaging in other water activities. This increased human activity can also lead to an increase in shark encounters. However, it’s important to note that shark attacks are still extremely rare, and most encounters are harmless.

It’s also worth noting that different species of sharks may be more active during different times of the day. For example, bull sharks tend to be most active in the early morning hours, while tiger sharks are more active during the midday. Sandbar sharks are most active in the afternoon, followed by blacktip sharks in the evening.

Safety Measures for Sharks in Siesta Key

Here are some safety measures to keep in mind:

1. Swim in designated areas

Make sure to swim in designated areas that are monitored by lifeguards. These areas are typically marked with flags and are considered safer for swimming. Avoid swimming in areas that are known to have a high concentration of sharks.

2. Avoid swimming at dawn or dusk

Sharks are more active during dawn and dusk, so it’s best to avoid swimming during these times. If you do decide to swim during these times, make sure to stay close to shore and in a group.

3. Don’t wear shiny jewelry or bright clothing

Sharks are attracted to shiny objects and bright colors, so it’s best to avoid wearing jewelry or clothing that could attract their attention.

4. Avoid swimming near schools of fish

Sharks are often found near schools of fish, so it’s best to avoid swimming in areas where there are a lot of fish.

5. Don’t swim alone

It’s always best to swim with a buddy. This way, if something does happen, you’ll have someone there to help.

6. Stay calm if you see a shark

If you do happen to see a shark while swimming, it’s important to stay calm. Don’t thrash around or make sudden movements, as this can attract the shark’s attention. Slowly and calmly swim back to shore.

Remember, while the likelihood of a shark attack is low, it’s still important to take precautions to ensure your safety. By following these safety measures, you can enjoy a safe and fun day at the beach in Siesta Key.

What Other Sea Creatures Can be Found in Siesta Key Waters Besides Sharks?

Siesta Key is home to a diverse range of marine life, besides sharks. Here are some of the sea creatures you might encounter in Siesta Key waters:


Dolphins are a common sight in Siesta Key waters. These friendly and intelligent creatures are known for their playful behavior and acrobatic skills. They can often be seen swimming alongside boats or jumping out of the water.


Manatees are gentle giants that can grow up to 13 feet long and weigh over 1,000 pounds. They are herbivores and can be found grazing on seagrass in shallow waters. Manatees are known for their slow-moving and gentle nature, making them a popular attraction for visitors to Siesta Key.

Sea Turtles

Siesta Key is home to several species of sea turtles, including the loggerhead, green, and Kemp’s ridley turtles. These turtles can often be seen swimming in the shallow waters near the beach or nesting on the sand. Siesta Key has a sea turtle conservation program in place to protect these endangered creatures.


Stingrays are also common around Siesta Key. These flat, diamond-shaped fish are known for their long, whip-like tails, which they use for defense. Stingrays can often be seen swimming along the ocean floor, searching for food.


Alligators are not commonly found in Siesta Key waters, but they can occasionally be spotted in nearby freshwater lakes and rivers. These large reptiles are known for their powerful jaws and are best observed from a safe distance.

Colorful Fish

Siesta Key waters are home to a variety of colorful fish, including snappers, groupers, and angelfish. These fish can often be seen swimming in schools near the shore or around coral reefs.

Overall, Siesta Key is a great place to observe a diverse range of marine life. Remember to always observe these creatures from a safe distance and never disturb their natural habitat.